6 .. »VIIIA or 'O' group is called inactive gas
Or inert gas or noble gas, Rare
gas, elite gas, rare gas
Remembering strategies
"Hili Nili and Kripa go to Rangpur"
The elements that indicate =
He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn
He = Helium (2) (2)
Ne = Neon (10)
Ar = Argon (18)
Kr = Krypton (36)
Xe = Xanon (xenon) (54)
Rn = Radon (86) (86)
7 .. »Lantenoid Row
The basic metals are rare earth metals
Say ...
8 .. »magnetic class metal VlllB's
Included Elements
The elements that indicate =
Fe Co Ni Ru Rh Pd Os Ir Pt Hs Mt Ds
Fe = Iron (iron or iron)
Co = Cobalt (Cobalt)
Ni = Nickel (nickel)
Ru = Ruthenium (Ruthenium)
Rh = Rhodium (Rhodium)
Pd = palladium (palladium)
Os = Osmium (Asmium)
Ir = Eridium (iridium)
Pt = Platinum (Platinum)
Hs = Hassium (Hassium)
Mt = Metnerium
Ds = Damstadium
9 ... »After uranium (92) 93 to 103
11 elements are called
TransUranium Elements ..
All of them are radioactive elements
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