Stage 4 »Elements of the Numeric Elements of 21-30
"Shahrukh tittani ki kale koil koakata ke liye kale kale moli ko
The elements that indicate =
Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
Sc = Scandium (Scandium)
Ti = Titanium (Titanium)
V = Vanadium (vanadium)
Cr = Chromium (Chromium)
Mn = Manganese (Manganese)
Fe = Iron (iron or iron)
Co = Cobalt (Cobalt)
Ni = Nickel (nickel)
Cu = Copper (Copper)
Zn = Zinc (zinc)
Stage 5 »Elements of atomic number 39-48
"Yours and Zerin Ruth's with mobile in Nairobi Weeping while fleeing the road "
The elements that indicate =
Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd
Y = Yttrium (Atrium)
Zr = Zirconium (Zirconium)
Nb = Niobium
Mo = Molybdenum
Tc = Technitium (Technenium)
Ru = Ruthenium (Ruthenium)
Rh = Rhodium (Rhodium)
Pd = palladium (palladium)
Ag = Silver (Silver)
Cd = Cadmium
Stage 6 »Elements of atomic number 57-80
Lucky and Hanif Titanic came to Wabi while Platinum and Gold in Europe
The elements that indicate =
La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au AG Hg
La (57-71) = Lanthanum (lanthanide series)
Hf = Hafnium
Ta = Tantalum (Tantalum)
W = Tungsten (Tungsten)
Re = Rhenium (regulation)
Os = Osmium (Asmium)
Ir = Eridium (iridium)
Pt = Platinum (Platinum)
Au = Gold (Gold)
Hg = Mercury (Mercury or Makari)
Stage 7 »Elements of nuclear numeral 89-112
"Akhari's son Rafi drowned in the diving sea," said Hafez and Moeyi in the country.
The elements that indicate =
Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn
Ac = Actinium
(Actinide series)
Rf = Rutherfordium
Db = Dubnium (submersion)
Sg = Seoborgium
Bh = Bohrium (Bohriam)
Hs = Hassium (Hassium)
Mt = Metnerium
Ds = Damstadium
Rg = Roentgenium
Cn = Copemicium
Stage 6 »Atomic number (57-71)» lanthanide:
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Boys love and love are equal. So good but diarrhea is of it. Tomato yolo blue
Stage 7 »Atomic number (89-103)» Actinid:
Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
If there is a UNP booklet beside me, come to the cafe in the afternoon and the noodles in the FM mode.
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Alternative name information :::
For groups:
1 .. »lA group is called alkali metal group
Remembering strategies
"Hey Lee did not break the ruby"
The elements that indicate =
H Li Na K Rb Cs Fr
H = Hydrogen (Hydrogen)
Li = Lithium (Lithium)
Na = Sodium (Sodium)
K = Potassium
Rb = Rubidium (rubidium)
Cs = Caesium (Cesium)
Fr = Francium (France)
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