The importance of stages of chemistry is immense. Scientists have done a lot of research on this, and we memorize it in Banglapedia Nine-Tien's Polyline, to be able to pass the exam. So in order to memorize the stages of our country, at the various times the small scientists collected all the nice lines that had come up and collected them here. In order to memorize the current generation, it is advantageous. Some of these are my friends Mohteshamul Haque and just one made me. I do not know who made the first one. That collection
Group - 1A
Original line: Hey lina will rub the ruby.
Oh - H - Hydrogen
Lina - Li-Na - Lithium-Sodium (Natrium)
K-Potassium (Kalium)
Ruby - Rb - Rubidium
Size - Cs - Caesium (Cesium)
Will drop - Fr - Francium
Group 2A
Main Line: Berailam Maag Canada, Sri Lanka, Burma, Russia
Beerleam - Be - Beryllium
Mama - Mg - Magnesium
Canada - Ca - Calcium
Sri Lanka - Sr - Strontium
Burma - Ba - Barium
Russia - Ra - Radium
Group 3A
Original Line: Boron Aileo Go India Thailand
Boron - B - Boron
Islo - Al - Aluminum (Aluminum)
Gone - Ga - Gallium
India - In - Indium
Thailand - Th-Thorium
Group - 4A
Main Line: Yesterday you can get gold in Sylhet
Black - C - Carbon
Sylhet - Se - Selenium
Go - Ge - Germanium
Gold - Sn - Tin (Stannum)
Get - Pb-Lead (Plumbum)
Original line: All cats come behind the grandmother
Nani - N - Nitrogen
Behind - P - Phosphorus
Comes - as - Arsenic
All - Sb-Antimony (Stibium)
Cat - Bi - Bismuth
Group - 6A
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